adamson hoebelの例文
- With E . Adamson Hoebel, he authored in 1952 " The Comanches : Lords of the South Plains ", which in its fifteenth edition in 2014, remains a pre-eminent study of the Reconstruction.
- Legal anthropologist E . Adamson Hoebel concluded his treatise on broadening the legal realist tradition to include non-Western nations : " Whatever the idealist may desire, force and the threat of force are the ultimate power in the determination of international behavior, as in the law within the nation or tribe.
- He also trained John R . Swanton ( who studied with Boas at Columbia for two years before receiving his doctorate from Harvard in 1900 ), Paul Radin ( 1911 ), Ruth Benedict ( 1923 ), Gladys Reichard ( 1925 ) who had begun teaching at Barnard College in 1921 and was later promoted to the rank of professor, Ruth Bunzel ( 1929 ), Alexander Lesser ( 1929 ), Margaret Mead ( 1929 ), and Gene Weltfish ( who defended her dissertation in 1929, although she did not officially graduate until 1950 when Columbia reduced the expenses required to graduate ), E . Adamson Hoebel ( 1934 ), Jules Henry ( 1935 ), Ashley Montagu ( 1938 ).